What We Do

Welcome to MABS Cancer Support Fundación. We are here in Spain to provide support to cancer sufferers of all nationalities and we are only a phone call away. We are a voluntary organisation and thanks to our volunteers, our donors and our supporters, we continue to give support to those affected, and their families if required.

Our commitment in Spain can be summed up in this short sentence:

"To care, comfort and counsel people affected by cancer".

How we can help:

  • Provide TRANSPORT to and from hospital or clinic appointments.

  • Provide PATIENT ESCORTS to appointments where possible if you do not have a family member or friend who can accompany you.

  • Provide TRANSLATORS/INTERPRETERS for appointments (must be booked in advance via the helpline) * We reserve the right to make a charge for this service.

  • ASSISTANCE around the house (ironing, washing, gardening, walking the dog, or just visiting now and then).
  • Provide MOBILITY AND MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, including hospital beds, ripple mattresses, wheelchairs, walking frames, and other personal aids on loan to MABS patients.

  • Give LEAFLETS on cancers and treatments, information on where to get specific items, and COUNSELLORS who can talk through any concerns you may have.

  • We have, in some areas, Hospice/Palliative Rooms for patients.

  • Arrange for a qualified nurse to assist with home nursing (a contribution may be asked).