
20th Anniversary celebrations Saturday 8th June

We’ve come a long way since 1999, when 5 ladies with breast cancer found there was no support during and after treatment…MABS has grown from strength to strength providing transport, counselling, assistance and attending hospital appointments, helping patients and families across Spain with all types of cancer. We invite you join us on Saturday 8th June to celebrate our 20th anniversary. We are celebrating at Salt Javea Javea with an evening of live music and some fantastic food and fizz 🥂❤️

Maybe you a friend or family member have been affected by cancer. Join us in a night of reflection and celebration. Whatever part of the journey you’re on we’d love to see you 💜

Get your tickets from any of the wonderful ladies below 👇🏻

TINA: 626 328 606
HILARY: 634 311 690
JACQUI: 686 305 006
Tickets €35 all proceeds going to MABS 💜