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We need YOU!

Having been operating across Spain for almost 20 years we're proud to be able to offer care, counselling and support to those affected by cancer. However, we wouldn't be anything without our volunteers. They are the absolute back bone of our network.

Could you spare a few hours a week to drive patients to appointments? Maybe help out at one of our fantastic charity shops across the region or help us organise events and raise much needed funds? Maybe you have been affected by cancer and want to give something back to those experiencing the same. Whatever part of the journey you're on we'd love to hear from you!

Volunteer Positions

Every Volunteer position in MABS is an important one.

There are volunteering opportunities available and plenty of ways to get involved, whether it's talking to someone over a cup of tea or helping out at one of our shops or support centres. Some roles require you to give a specific amount of time, or have particular skills. The description for each role will tell you what kind of time commitment or experience is required. Most roles just need your time and enthusiasm.

We require help in providing transport to and from hospital and clinic appointments for patients going for radiotherapy or chemotherapy treatment across the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida areas. We typically have 2 or more patients going for radiotherapy or chemotherapy treatment each weekday for 6 weeks or more running and desperately require volunteer drivers from all areas of the Costa Calida and Costa Blanca.

All you need is a car, a few hours a week spare and a BIG heart!

As part of the collection & delivery team you will work alongside volunteers to generate income and maximise sales for MABS through the collection and delivery of donated furniture and other stock. The role is physically demanding involving lifting and moving goods, including heavy furniture. A full clean driving licence is required, and previous experience as a collection/delivery driver would be desirable.

Volunteers are central to our fundraising and awareness raising and support our work across the MABS. Help us by get involved in different activities which help ensure we are able to reach more people living with cancer. From cheerpoints at events to collections at concerts or maybe organise your own fundraiser, coffee morning or sponsored event. This is a varied and fun way for you to make an ongoing difference as part of our team.

Our charity shops contain a wide range of donated clothes, accessories, books, greeting cards and home-wares. Volunteers are required to work in a friendly team. You can get involved in a wide range of duties including sorting through stock, pricing up merchandise using price lists, assisting customers, using the till, sorting clothes and displaying stock.

To find out more information, just go to any of our Charity Shops or Centres or send us a message.

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